Swim­ming courses

Swim­ming learn course

Also youthful and adults are not yet able to swim or not very well. No pro­blem! Because the Dresdner Bäder GmbH has a spe­cial course offer for this. First of all, the par­ti­ci­pants are accus­tomed to the “new” ele­ment of water. Then they gain first expe­ri­ences in the deep sport pool and learn to train their strength and con­di­tion. The important thing is to deal con­sciously with the phy­sical cha­rac­te­ristics of water, to master them and to make use of them. The aim of the course is to learn how to swim safely in the breast and back.


  • Youthful 12 until 18 years
  • Adults from 18 years


  • 10 exer­cise units á 45 minutes 150 Euro

Place: Schwimmsport­komplex (tea­ching pool)

Dates: curr­ently not


  • 5 exer­cise units á 45 minutes 75 Euro

Place: Schwimmsport­komplex (tea­ching pool)

Dates: curr­ently not


  • single units á 45 minutes each 15 Euro

Place: Kom­bibad Prohlis (tea­ching pool)

Dates: curr­ently not

Youth course “Swim yourself fit”

If you want to improve your learned swim­ming tech­ni­ques as a teen­ager, the deep water course “Schwimm dich fit” is the right place for you. The goal is to obtain a swim­ming badge.

  • Age: 12 to 18 years
  • Do not forget: Bathing cap with name, bathing shoes, shorts or suit, towel


  • 15 exer­cise units á 45 minutes 120 Euro

Place: Schwimmsport­komplex

Dates: from autumn 2024

Adult tech­nique course

Par­ti­ci­pants can improve exis­ting swim­ming skills and learn new tech­ni­ques such as crawl and dol­phin swimming.

  • Age: from 18 years

Prices for single exer­cise unit:

  • Open courses (you can join the course at any time) á 45 minutes 15 Euro

Place: Schwimmsport­komplex, Swim­ming lane

Dates: curr­ently not

Place: Kom­bibad Prohlis

Dates: curr­ently not


  • 5 exer­cise units á 45 minutes 75 Euro

Place: Schwimmsport­komplex, Swim­ming lane

Dates: from autumn 2024