Swim­ming courses

Swim­ming learn course

Also youthful and adults are not yet able to swim or not very well. No pro­blem! Because the Dresdner Bäder GmbH has a spe­cial course offer for this. First of all, the par­ti­ci­pants are accus­tomed to the “new” ele­ment of water. Then they gain first expe­ri­ences in the deep sport pool and learn to train their strength and con­di­tion. The important thing is to deal con­sciously with the phy­sical cha­rac­te­ristics of water, to master them and to make use of them. The aim of the course is to learn how to swim safely in the breast and back.


  • Youthful 12 until 18 years
  • Adults from 16 years


  • 10 excer­cise units á 45 minutes 200 Euro

Place: Schwimmsport­komplex Frei­berger Platz (tea­ching pool)

Dates (except holidays):

  • youth course:
  • satur­days from 11 a.m to 11.45 a.m (from January 11th to April 5th 2025)


  • adult courses:
  • thurs­days from 3 p.m to 3.45 p.m (from January 9th to March 27th 2025)
  • thurs­days from 7 p.m to 7.45 p.m (from January 9th to March 27th 2025)
  • satur­days from 12 o’clock to 12:45 p.m (from January 11th to April 5th 2025)

Place: Kom­bibad Prohlis (lane)

Dates (except holidays):

  • adult course:
  • fri­days from 4 p.m to 4.45 p.m (from January 10th to March 28th 2025)

Youth course “Swim yourself fit”

If you want to improve your learned swim­ming tech­ni­ques as a teen­ager, the deep water course “Swim yourself fit” is the right place for you. The goal is to obtain a swim­ming badge.

  • Age: 12 to 18 years
  • Do not forget: Bathing cap with name, bathing shoes, shorts or suit, towel


  • 10 excer­cise units á 45 minutes 200 Euro

Place: Schwimmsport­komplex

Dates (except holidays):

  • satur­days from 10 a.m to 10.45 a.m (from January 11th to April 5th 2025)

Adult tech­nique course “free­style”

This course is ideal for anyone who wants to learn free­style swim­ming in addi­tion to their first swim­ming tech­nique. The basic move­ments for this, such as arm pulls, leg kicks, cor­rect breathing and the per­fect posi­tion in the water, are practiced.

Beg­in­ners can make quick pro­gress while having a lot of fun.

Age: from 16 years


  • 5 excer­cise units á 45 minutes 100 Euro

Place: Schwimmsport­komplex Frei­berger Platz

Dates (except holidays):

  • tues­days from 6.15 p.m to 7 p.m (from January 7th to February 4th 2025)
  • satur­days from 8 a.m to 8.45 a.m (from January 11th to February 8th 2025)

Place: Kom­bibad Prohlis

Dates (except holidays):

  • wed­nes­days from 4.45 p.m to 5.30 p.m (from January 8th to February 5th 2025)
  • wed­nes­days from 4.45 p.m to 5.30 p.m (from February 12th to March 26th 2025) — Online-Sales from January 21st 2025, 4 p.m
  • wed­nes­days from 7 p.m to 7.45 p.m (from January 8th to February 5th 2025)
  • wed­nes­days from 7 p.m to 7.45 p.m (from February 12th to March 26th 2025) — Online-Sales from January 21st 2025, 4 p.m

Adult course “indi­vi­dual”

Many adults can swim, but they only master one style and not always well. We have a spe­cial deep water course offer for those inte­rested in swim­ming. The par­ti­ci­pants (max. 3) learn to train their strength and fit­ness. The aim of the course is to deepen exis­ting swim­ming skills and to acquire new techniques.

Age: from 18 years


  • 1 excer­cise unit á 45 minutes 30 Euro

Place: Schwimmsport­komplex Frei­berger Platz

Single units (except holidays):

  • wed­nes­days from 10 a.m to 10.45 a.m (until February 12th 2025)
  • wed­nes­days from 2.30 p.m to 3.15 p.m (until February 12th 2025)
  • thurs­days from 2.30 p.m to 3.15 p.m (until February 13th 2025)
  • satur­days from 1 p.m to 1.45 p.m (until April 12th 2025)
  • Winter Vaca­tion Course: mon­days to fri­days each 11 a.m to 11.45 a.m (February 17th to February 28th 2025)