open to 22:00

Ope­ning hours

10:00 – 22:00 (Monday, Tuesday, Wed­nesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday)
10:00 – 18:00 (Sunday, Holiday)


Helmut-Schön-Allee 2
01069 Dresden

Phone: 0351 – 484 192 00


“Swea­ting bet­ween Alte Meister”

In the begin­ning there was an idea: We wanted to por­tray typical things from Dresden, the region and Saxony in a sauna land­scape. The result is unique: Our visi­tors can spend rela­xing hours in an extra­or­di­nary atmo­sphere around a glass atrium in five themed saunas, several coo­ling basins and res­ting cor­ners, while swea­ting bet­ween “Alte Meister”! How so? Dresden — the baroque pearl of Ger­many, which was also influenced by the Renais­sance, has a tre­asure trove of works by famous pain­ters from both epochs in its “Alte Meister” pic­ture gal­lery. Through a coope­ra­tion with the State Art Coll­ec­tions, we show sel­ected repro­duc­tions in our sauna landscape.

The snack bar ope­rator is an external tenant. He is respon­sible for his own ope­ning times, offe­rings and pricing.

open to 22:00

Ope­ning hours

10:00 – 22:00 (Monday, Tuesday, Wed­nesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday)
10:00 – 18:00 (Sunday, Holiday)


Helmut-Schön-Allee 2
01069 Dresden

Phone: 0351 – 484 192 00

Tour through the sauna landscape

Fin­nish sauna
rela­xa­tion room
steam bath
themed sauna
out­door area
Kneipp basin
plunge pool
ice foun­tain
indoor swim­ming pool
bicycle par­king spaces
pool shop
online ticket
bio sauna/sanarium
Basic ticket (2 h)20,00 €19,00 €10,00 €

We recom­ment to buy tickets online. Tickets are also available on the box office.

The 2‑h-ticket is the basic tariff. You can fle­xibly extend your stay. Simply pay at the machine when you leave the bath:

  • for the first hour 3,00 € (adults/concessions) or 1,50 € (children)
  • each addi­tional time limit max. 6,00 € (adults/concessions) or 3,00 € (children)

Admis­sion tickets entitle the holder to one entry.

The ent­rance fee includes use of the open swim­ming pool (worth 7.50 euros for adults, 6.50 euros reduced or 4 euros for children).

1 Per­sons with a severe disa­bi­lity of 50 degree of disa­bi­lity or more (only with proof of disa­bi­lity), per­sons with a Dresden Pass or Vol­un­teer Pass of the Dresden Citi­zens’ Foun­da­tion receive the reduc­tion only on single admissions.

2 dis­count: Children and ado­le­s­cents up to 17 years of age (upon proof); Children up to 1 meter tall have free admission.

With the purchase of the “Dresdner Bäder” advan­tage ticket/bonus ticket (min. 50,00 €), you save 10 % on entry for every pool or sauna visit (also valid for com­ple­mented tickets/extra services).

You can buy vou­chers in our web­shop or directly in the swim­ming pool.

Explore our other pool areas: