

track: approx. 27 °C


Schwimm­halle Klotzsche
Zum Wind­kanal 14
01109 Dresden

Phone: 0351 – 484 193 51

Swim­ming pool Klotzsche
from Sep­tember 16th 2024

In the his­to­rical Klotz­scher Schwimm­halle, visi­tors can swim in a pool of over 300 square meters. In the front part, there is also a non-swimmer area with a water depth of 60 cen­ti­me­ters. The five 25-meter lanes are used not only by recrea­tional ath­letes in public swim­ming but also by clubs and the par­ti­ci­pants of swim­ming courses. The swim­ming hall, which was com­pleted in 1935 and is a listed buil­ding, also includes a gym­na­sium. Both look back on a long tra­di­tion and are popular sports faci­li­ties in the north of Dresden. They exude a very spe­cial flair through various design ele­ments such as the Olympic rings or facade pictures.



track: approx. 27 °C


Schwimm­halle Klotzsche
Zum Wind­kanal 14
01109 Dresden

Phone: 0351 – 484 193 51

25-meter pool
seahorse course
bicycle par­king spaces
online ticket
Basic ticket (1 h)2,50 €1,90 €1,90 €

We recom­ment to buy tickets online. Tickets are also available on the box office.

The 1‑h-ticket is the basic tariff. You can extend your stay. Simply pay at the checkout when you leave the bath:

  • 1,50 € (adults) or 1,10 € (concessions/children)

Admis­sion tickets entitle the holder to one admission.

1 Per­sons with a severe disa­bi­lity of 50 degree of disa­bi­lity or more (only against proof) / regis­tered com­pa­nion has free admis­sion; per­sons with a Dresden Pass or a vol­un­tary pass from the Dresden Citi­zens’ Foun­da­tion (Bür­ger­stif­tung Dresden) receive the dis­count on single admis­sions only.

2 dis­count: Children and ado­le­s­cents up to and inclu­ding 17 years of age (upon proof); Children up to 1 meter tall have free admission.

With the purchase of the “Dresdner Bäder” advan­tage ticket/bonus ticket (min. 50,00 €), you save 10 % on entry for every pool or sauna visit (also valid for com­ple­mented tickets/extra services).

You can buy vou­chers in our web­shop or directly in the swim­ming pool.