

Freibad Wostra
An der Wostra 9
01259 Dresden

Phone: 0351 – 484 192 90

Out­door pool Wostra

In the east of Dresden, not far from the Elbe cycle path, you will find the moder­nized out­door pool Wostra. From the hig­hest diving tower of the city in the open-air, the brave ones can dare to jump from the “Five”, “Three” or “One”. Swim­mers swim their 50-meter lanes in the large com­bi­na­tion pool. Non-swim­mers and children will also get their money’s worth in the Wostra. The exten­sive, well-tended lawn invites you to relax and linger. A lovingly desi­gned play­ground and a paddling pool with an ele­phant slide are a par­ti­cular delight for our very young guests. Ori­gi­nally the open-air pool was built in 1930 on the initia­tive of the “Wochenend- und Strand­bad­ge­sell­schaft” — hence the name “Wostra”.

The snack bar ope­rator is an external tenant. He is respon­sible for his own ope­ning times, offe­rings and pricing.



Freibad Wostra
An der Wostra 9
01259 Dresden

Phone: 0351 – 484 192 90

diving plat­form
toddler area
sports acti­vi­ties
online ticket
50-meter pool
sun­bathing lawn
shady places
bicycle par­king spaces