open to 22:00

Ope­ning hours

daily 10:00 – 22:00


Erleb­nisbad Elbamare
Wölf­nitzer Ring 65
01169 Dresden

Phone: 0351 – 410 09 0


Elbamare (sauna)

Fin­nish sauna

The Fin­nish sauna is the classic. Proven for cen­tu­ries, it relies on dry heat. Here you sweat at a room tem­pe­ra­ture of up to 90 °C. The air humi­dity, on the other hand, is very low at 10 to 30 per­cent. Our sauna master pro­vides addi­tional balm with infu­sions. Visit the Fin­nish sauna regu­larly to streng­then your immune system and train your heart and circulation!

Steam bath

With our steam bath we offer you a more gentle sauna variant. The tem­pe­ra­ture here is only 40 to 45 °C, but the air humi­dity rea­ches up to 100 per­cent. Many people find it much more plea­sant in a steam bath than in a classic sauna. On the one hand, the tem­pe­ra­ture is not as high, on the other hand, a steam bath has num­e­rous posi­tive effects on your health. If you have rheu­matic com­plaints or a cold, you will find the cli­mate par­ti­cu­larly plea­sant and rela­xing. Your skin and hair as well as your breathing organs can also recover par­ti­cu­larly well under these con­di­tions. The steam bath also loo­sens cramped mus­cles and calms your nerves.

Log cabin sauna

In Elbamare, a real log cabin sauna awaits you out­doors, where you can sweat clas­si­cally in a rustic atmosphere.

Color light bath

The color light bath is ideal for sauna beg­in­ners. The tem­pe­ra­ture is a plea­sant 50 °C and the air humi­dity is 50 per­cent. So you can prepare yourself well for more “extreme” sauna variations.

open to 22:00

Ope­ning hours

daily 10:00 – 22:00


Erleb­nisbad Elbamare
Wölf­nitzer Ring 65
01169 Dresden

Phone: 0351 – 410 09 0


Fin­nish sauna
bio sauna/sanarium
steam bath
plunge pool
indoor swim­ming pool
rela­xa­tion pool
rela­xa­tion room
bicycle par­king spaces
car park

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