Lear­ning to swim

Beg­in­ners Seahorse course (badge)

During this course in the two-meter deep water pool, the children learn how to swim breast­stroke safely. Starting with the cor­rect move­ment of the legs, our ins­truc­tors then teach them how to use their arms and legs in a coor­di­nated manner for swim­ming. The goal is to achieve the “Seahorse” badge. This includes breast­stroke wit­hout aids over a distance of 25 meters as well as jum­ping and diving. For the latter, an object from shoulder-high water must be brought to the top.

  • Age: from 5 to 9 years or from 9 to 12 years
  • Pre­re­qui­site: An accom­panying person brings the child to the pool and picks it up again (you can watch during the course).
  • Do not forget: Swim­ming cap with first name, water wings, bathing shoes, shorts or suit, towel


  • 15 exer­cise units á 45 minutes 150 Euro

Place: Schwimmsport­komplex

Dates (except holidays):

  • mon­days and tues­days each from 2.30 p.m to 3.15 p.m (from December 2nd 2024 to February 3rd 2025)
  • mon­days and tues­days each from 3.30 p.m to 4.15 p.m (from December 2nd 2024 to February 3rd 2025)
  • mon­days and tues­days each from 4.30 p.m to 5.15 p.m (from December 2nd 2024 to February 3rd 2025)
  • wed­nes­days and thurs­days each from 3.30 to 4.15 p.m (from November 27th 2024 to January 29th 2025)
  • wed­nes­days and thurs­days each from 4.30 to 5.15 p.m (from November 27th 2024 to January 29th 2025)
  • for Children from 9 to 12 years: mon­days and tues­days each from 4.30 p.m to 5.15 p.m (from December 2nd 2024 to February 3rd 2025)
  • Winter Vaca­tion Course: mon­days to fri­days each 10 a.m to 10.45 a.m (February 17th to February 28th 2025) — Online-Sales from December 10th 2024, 4 p.m

Place: Kom­bibad Prohlis

Dates (except holidays):

  • mon­days and wed­nes­days each from 4 p.m to 4.45 p.m (from January 13th to March 17th 2025) — Online-Sales from December 12th 2024, 4 p.m
  • mon­days from 5 p.m to 5.45 p.m and wed­nes­days from 3 p.m to 3.45 p.m (from January 13th to March 17th 2025) — Online-Sales from December 2024, 4 p.m
  • mon­days and thurs­days each from 3 p.m to 3.45 p.m (from January 13th to March 17th 2025) — Online-Sales from December 12th 2024, 4 p.m
  • tues­days from 3 p.m to 3.45 p.m and thurs­days from 4 p.m to 4.45 p.m (from January 14th to March 18th 2025) — Online-Sales from December 12th 2024, 4 p.m
  • tues­days from 4 p.m to 4.45 p.m and fri­days from 3 p.m to 3.45 p.m (from January 14th to March 18th 2025) — Online-Sales from December 12th 2024, 4 p.m
  • tues­days from 5 p.m to 5.45 p.m and fri­days from 4 p.m to 4.45 p.m (from January 14th to March 18th 2025) — Online-Sales from December 12th 2024, 4 p.m

Place: Schwimm­halle Klotzsche

Dates (except holidays):

  • tues­days and thurs­days each from 3 p.m to 3.45 p.m (from January 7th to March 11th 2025)
  • tues­days and thurs­days each from 4 p.m to 4.45 p.m (from January 7th to March 11th 2025)
  • wed­nes­days and fri­days each from 8 a.m to 8.45 a.m (from January 8th to March 11th 2025)
  • wed­nes­days and fri­days each from 3 p.m to 3.45 p.m (from January 8th to March 11th 2025)

Place: Nordbad

Dates: curr­ently not

Seahorse just missed

Those who have roughly inter­na­lized the breast­stroke tech­nique, but have only had swim­ming expe­ri­ence with a safety belt so far, can take addi­tional prac­tice hours in the two-meter deep pool to achieve the “Seahorse” badge. In the course “Seahorse just missed”, work is done on cove­ring the distance of 25 meters safely wit­hout any aids in breast­stroke. Jum­ping and fet­ching an object from shoulder-deep water is also tested.

  • Age: from 5 years
  • Pre­re­qui­site: An accom­panying person brings the child to the pool and picks it up again (you can watch during the course).
  • Do not forget: Swim­ming cap with name, water wings, bathing shoes, shorts or suit, towel


  • 5 exer­cise units á 45 minutes 50 Euro

Place: Schwimmsport­komplex

Dates (except holidays):

  • tues­days from 5.30 p.m to 6.15 p.m (from January 7th to February 4th 2025)
  • satur­days from 11 a.m to 11.45 a.m (from January 11th to February 8th 2025)

Back­stroke tech­nique course

Whoever is the proud owner of the “Seahorse” badge may register for the back­stroke course. Starting from the cor­rect posi­tion in the water, overall coor­di­na­tion is sys­te­ma­ti­cally prac­ticed by moving the legs and arms. Anyone who swims 25 meters in the back­stroke during the exam wit­hout any aids and wit­hout drop­ping off will receive the “Back Frog Cer­ti­fi­cate”. However, this is not equal to other swim­ming level badges.

  • Age: from 5 years
  • Pre­re­qui­site: The “Seahorse” badge must already be achieved.
  • Do not forget: Bathing cap with name, bathing shoes, shorts or suit, towel

Place: Schwimmsport­komplex

Dates (except holidays):

  • tues­days from 5.30 p.m to 6.15 p.m (from Sep­tember 10th 2024 to January 21st 2025)
  • satur­days from 9 a.m to 9.45 a.m (from Sep­tember 14th 2024 to February 1st 2025)

Advanced swim­ming course

This advanced course offer is aimed at children who can safely swim breast and back­stroke at least 25 meters in deep water. Tech­ni­ques that have already been mas­tered should be improved and crawl should be learned as a new style. In addi­tion, diving as well as head and start jumps are taught and prac­ticed. These are requi­re­ments of the offi­cial swim­ming badge. The course is not intended to prepare for competitions.

  • Age: until 12 years
  • Do not forget: Bathing cap with name, bathing shoes, shorts or suit, towel

Place: Schwimmsport­komplex Frei­berger Platz

Dates (except holidays):

  • thurs­days from 5.30 p.m to 6.15 p.m (from January 9th to March 27th 2025)

Swim­ming pre­pa­ra­tion course for toddlers

Through playful exer­cises, the children get to know the ele­ment of water pro­perly, get a feel for it and gain con­fi­dence in dealing with it. These include, for example, diving with open eyes, breathing con­sciously and rhyth­mi­cally or jum­ping into the water from high places. Gli­ding in the prone and supine posi­tion and the use of arms and legs for loco­mo­tion are also taught.

  • Age: from 3 until 5 years
  • Do not forget: Bathing cap with name, arm­bands, bathing shoes, shorts or suit, towel


  • 8 exer­cise units á 45 minutes 80 Euro

Place: Schwimmsport­komplex Frei­berger Platz

Dates (except holidays):

  • satur­days from 8 a.m to 8.45 a.m (from January 11th to March 22nd 2025)
  • satur­days from 9 a.m to 9.45 a.m (from January 11th to March 22nd 2025)

For children of pre-school age

We offer spe­cial courses for children’s insti­tu­tions. It is an advan­tage if the children know each other. There is no fear of contact, the par­ti­ci­pants moti­vate and inspire each other. The children should be fami­liar with the ele­ment water and have expe­ri­ence with swim­ming sleeves. Gli­ding, diving and jum­ping are taught. When lear­ning the breast­stroke tech­nique, first the leg move­ments are prac­ticed inten­si­vely, then the overall coor­di­na­tion of arms, legs and breathing. As the pro­gress of the exer­cise increases, the swim­ming aids are sys­te­ma­ti­cally removed. The goal is to reach the “seahorse badge”. Regis­tra­tion is pos­sible at any time for swim­ming times in the mor­ning or after­noon. In addi­tion to the course ins­tructor from Dresdner Bäder GmbH, edu­ca­tors from the children’s insti­tu­tion help to accom­pany the course.

  • from 5 years
  • Group size max. 15 par­ti­ci­pants (if required, two groups from one faci­lity can be arranged simultaneously)
  • Requi­re­ments “Seahorse badge”: Swim 25 meters wit­hout aids, a jump from the edge of the pool and retrieve a diving ring from shoulder deep water
  • 15 units of 45 minutes each (weekly or twice a week)


  • 15 exer­cise units á 45 minutes 150 Euro

Dates: Appoint­ments are coor­di­nated directly bet­ween the kin­der­garden and the Dresdner Bäder.