
Get­ting on a bike in the water ins­tead of swim­ming — what’s the point? Very much! Espe­ci­ally when swim­ming is not so easy any­more. In aquabi­king, a trained trainer leads the course in a non-swimmer’s pool about 1.35 meters deep and about 30 degrees Cel­sius warm. The par­ti­ci­pants sit on bicy­cles spe­ci­ally adapted for use in the water. The legs pedal at inter­vals of varying speed. In addi­tion, the posi­tions change bet­ween sit­ting, stan­ding and floa­ting. In con­trast to normal cycling, the whole trunk and upper extre­mi­ties are trained. The water resis­tance is hel­pful here. This allows you to “work” in any direc­tion to train indi­vi­dual upper body mus­cles or even entire muscle chains at the same time. The inten­sity can be regu­lated: by ben­ding and stret­ching the arms, by the hand posi­tion to change the resis­tance in the water, and by the speed of the exer­cises. The “brake system” on the ergo­meter can also be indi­vi­du­ally adjusted by the user from “light” to “heavy”. Aquabi­king increases the con­di­tion because there is a “con­ti­nuous peda­ling”. Since not only the legs are in motion, but also the arms, Aquabi­king is also ideal for trai­ning coor­di­na­tion. Don’t forget your Aqua shoes!


  • 5 excer­cise units á 45 minutes 100 Euro; also boo­kable as a single unit for 20 Euro

Place: Schwimmsport­komplex, Tea­ching pool

Dates (except holidays):

  • 5 excer­cise units:
  • mon­days from 8 p.m to 8.45 p.m (from January 6th to February 3rd 2025)
  • tues­days from 3 p.m to 3.45 p.m (from January 7th to February 4th 2025)
  • tues­days from 5 p.m to 5.45 p.m (from January 7th to February 4th 2025)
  • wed­nes­days from 8 p.m to 8.45 p.m (from January 8th to February 5th 2025)
  • thurs­days from 6 p.m to 6.45 p.m (from January 9th to February 6th 2025)

Place: Kom­bibad Prohlis, Jum­ping hall

Dates (except holidays):

  • fri­days from 7.15 p.m to 8 p.m (from January 10th to February 7th 2025)
  • fri­days from 7.15 p.m to 8 p.m (from February 14th to March 28th 2025) — Online-Sales from January 21st 2025, 4 p.m
  • fri­days from 8.15 p.m to 9 p.m (from January 10th to February 7th 2025)
  • fri­days from 8.15 p.m to 9 p.m (from February 14th to March 28th 2025) — Online-Sales from January 21st 2025, 4 p.m