opens from 10:00

Ope­ning hours

daily 10:00 – 19:00

open until Sep­tember 8th 2024


Stau­seebad Cossebaude
Meißner Straße 26
01156 Dresden

Phone: 0351 – 484 191 90

Reser­voir pool Cossebaude

The popular open-air swim­ming pool in Cossebaude with its 45,000 square meters swim­ming area stret­ches along the wes­tern city limits of Dresden directly at a reser­voir. The spa­cious area with a won­derful, chestnut-fringed sun­bathing lawn invites you to sun­bathe and relax. In addi­tion to the 485 square meter non-swimmer’s pool with water mush­room, a giant slide pro­vides lots of bathing fun. An extra paddling pool with 180 square meters of sur­face area lures the very young guests into the cool water. The faci­lity also offers a wide range of pos­si­bi­li­ties, among other things, visi­tors can try out various sports on the indi­vi­dual pit­ches. If you want, you can also have wind­sur­fing les­sons on the reservoir.

The snack bar ope­ra­tors are external ten­ants. They are respon­sible for their own ope­ning times, offe­rings and pricing.

opens from 10:00

Ope­ning hours

daily 10:00 – 19:00

open until Sep­tember 8th 2024


Stau­seebad Cossebaude
Meißner Straße 26
01156 Dresden

Phone: 0351 – 484 191 90

toddler area
sports acti­vi­ties
shady places
online ticket
tube slide
adven­ture pool
sun­bathing lawn
bicycle par­king spaces
car park
Admis­sion ticket5,00 €3,00 €2,50 €
After work ticket³4,00 €2,50 €2,00 €
Season ticket200,00 €120,00 €100,00 €

We recom­ment to buy tickets online. Tickets are also available on the box office.

Admis­sion tickets entitle the holder to one entry.

1 Per­sons with a severe disa­bi­lity of more than 50% degree of disa­bi­lity (only against proof) / regis­tered com­pa­nion has free admis­sion; per­sons with a Dresden Pass or a vol­un­tary pass of the Dresden Citi­zens’ Foun­da­tion receive the reduc­tion only on single admission.

2 dis­count: Children and ado­le­s­cents up to and inclu­ding 17 years of age (upon proof); The ent­rance for children up to 1 m high­ness is free.

3 valid monday to friday from 4 p.m

With the purchase of the “Dresdner Bäder” advan­tage ticket/bonus ticket (min. 50 €), you save 10 % on entry for every pool or sauna visit (also valid for com­ple­mented tickets/extra services).

You can buy vou­chers in our web­shop or directly in the out­door pool.