
Our BaD­De­pe­sche

Twice a year the cus­tomer maga­zine of Dresdner Bäder GmbH is published: our BaD­De­pe­sche. In the open air and indoor pool season this handy bro­chure in A5-Format is available for free in our open air baths, indoor swim­ming pools and saunas. In a colorful mix of topics, we inform you about news from our pro­per­ties, the cur­rent con­s­truc­tion acti­vi­ties, as well as about offers, inte­res­ting facts and his­to­rical facts from the Dresden pool land­scape. If you want, you can also browse through the BaD­De­pe­sche here on our web­site. In our archive you will also find the older edi­tions. Read on and immerse yourself in the world of Dresden baths on the richly illus­trated pages of BaDDepesche!

upco­ming events

2024 – 202405. Aug. –
09. Sept.


18:00 – 19:00 Uhr

Fest­wiese Bade­stelle Weixdorf

202410. Aug.


11:00 – 16:00 Uhr

Bade­stelle Weixdorf

202417. Aug.


09:00 – 14:00 Uhr

Stau­seebad Cossebaude

202424. Aug.


12:00 – 18:00 Uhr

Stau­seebad Cossebaude