Aroma sauna „Tha­randter Wald“ (Tha­randt Forest)

Bes­ides the Saxon Switz­er­land and the Dresden Heath, the Tha­randt Forest is the most important local recrea­tion area for the people of Flo­rence on the Elbe. In the past, plenty of wood and char­coal came from there for the royal seat. From the 19th cen­tury onwards, the area became a model for sus­tainable forestry. And some­thing else makes it inte­res­ting as a name giver: The most famous center of Saxony is located right in the middle of it: at the rock Diebs­kammer, which was used as a shelter by several robber cap­tains and their gangs in the 17th and 18th cen­tury. In the aroma sauna “Tha­randter Wald” it smells at 70 degrees Cel­sius (curr­ently at least 80 degrees Cel­sius) not only of wood, leaves and needles. Those who sit in the wheel­chair acces­sible cabin also have the fee­ling of swea­ting bet­ween unt­reated tree trunks in the middle of the forest.

Tour through the sauna landscape