Our swim­ming pools

Sie müssen Coo­kies akzep­tieren, um diesen Dienst nutzen zu können.

Our indoor pools

Georg-Arn­hold-Bad (indoor pool)

Das beliebte Fami­li­enbad im Dresdner Stadt­zen­trum grenzt direkt an den Großen Garten. Der Besu­cher­ma­gnet verfügt …

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Swim­ming pool Prohlis

In the imme­diate vici­nity of the tra­di­tional open-air swim­ming pool, the Prohlis indoor swim­ming pool was opened in 1988 in the south …

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The Schwimmsport­komplex Frei­berger Platz is the lar­gest faci­lity for swim­ming and water jum­ping in …

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Swim­ming pool Bühlau

In the bar­rier-free Bühlau swim­ming hall in the north-east of Dresden there is a 25-meter pool made of stain­less steel …

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Nordbad in the newtown

In his­to­rical ambi­ence, visi­tors to the Nordbad can enjoy a 16 by 8 meter swim­ming pool with adjustable …

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Swim­ming pool Klotzsche

In the his­to­rical Klotz­scher Schwimm­halle, visi­tors can swim in a pool of over 300 square meters …

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Elbamare adven­ture pool

In Saxony’s first adven­ture pool, guests can have fun on over 600 square meters of water surface …

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Our out­door pools

Georg-Arn­hold-Bad (open-air pool)

The popular Georg-Arn­hold-Bad is located directly at the Großer Garten in the center of Dresden. In addition …

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Kom­bibad Prohlis (out­door pool)

The out­door swim­ming pool Prohlis bor­ders directly on the indoor pool of the same name in the south of Dresden …

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Natural bath Mockritz

The idyllic natural swim­ming pool Mockritz is not only because of its won­derful loca­tion on the sou­thern out­skirts of the city a highlight …

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Reser­voir pool Cossebaude

closed Address Stau­seebad Cossebaude Meißner Straße 26 01156 Dresden Phone: 0351 – 484 191 90 Reser­voir pool Cossebaude The popular open-air swim­ming pool in Cossebaude with its 45,000 square meters swim­ming area stret­ches along the wes­tern city limits of Dresden directly at a reser­voir. The spa­cious area with a won­derful, chestnut-fringed sun­bathing lawn invites you […]
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Out­door pool Wostra

In the east of Dresden, not far from the Elbe cycle path, you will find the moder­nized out­door pool Wostra. From the hig­hest diving tower …

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Nudist beach resort Wostra

Directly on the beau­tiful Elbe cycle path, a little spot of the Baltic Sea is wai­ting in the middle of Dresden. In addi­tion to the out­door pool Wostra …

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Out­door pool Cotta

The Cotta out­door pool in the west of Dresden is popular with all age groups and has a 620 square meter …

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Waldbad Langebrück (family paradise)

The char­ming Waldbad in the former health resort of Langebrück is located on the edge of the local recrea­tion area Dresdner Heide. Family-fri­endly and …

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Nudist open-air bath Dölzschen

On the wes­tern out­skirts of Dresden, above the Plau­en­schen Grund, lies the his­toric Luftbad Dölzschen …

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Bathing area Weixdorf

In the middle of gree­nery, on the nor­t­hern out­skirts of Dresden is the natural Weixdorf bathing area …

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Bathing aera Weißig

On the edge of the Dresdner Heide is the tra­di­tional Weißig bathing area. With its 4,000 square meters large …

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Our saunas

Georg-Arn­hold-Bad: “Swea­ting bet­ween Alte Meister”

In the begin­ning there was an idea: We wanted to por­tray typical things from Dresden, the region and Saxony …

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Schwimmsport­komplex (sauna landscape)

The Fin­nish sauna is the classic. Proven for cen­tu­ries, it relies on drier heat. Here you sweat …

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Swim­ming pool Bühlau

With our steam bath we offer you a more gentle sauna variant. The tem­pe­ra­ture here is only 40 to 45 °C …

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Nordbad in the Neu­stadt (sauna and out­door garden)

80 °C and chan­ging lighting ensure a plea­sant tem­pe­ra­ture and atmo­sphere in our herbal sauna …

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Erleb­nisbad Elbamare (sauna and massage)

In Elbamare, a real log cabin sauna awaits you out­doors, where you can sweat clas­si­cally in a rustic atmosphere …

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